Saturday, April 24, 2010

White Rim Trail in a Day

Finally got a chance to ride the White Rim trail, outside of Moab, in one day. Total ride ended up around 108 miles, thanks to some wrong turns, and our moving time put us around 7 hours. You can see more details than you ever wanted by clicking on the Garmin link below the pics.

Started the day with myself, Trevor Simper, and Cameron Smart, all representing the Infinite Team (or the Larry H. Miller Toyota/Infinite Cycles Race Team, for short). Cameron rode by himself most of the day, he knocked out a steady pace and rode great. This was mine and Trevor's frist crack at White Rim and we rode like a couple of kids with ADHD. Hammering, stopping for pics, hammering, stopping for crashes, hammering, stopping for pics.

We rode counter-clockwise which meant we entered the canyon floor with this descent. Those who ride the trail clockwise get this tasty little climb at the end of their ride. I thought we were dodging a bullet until I was pleasantly introduced to Schafer Hill which would be the climb that gingerly escorted us up and out of the canyon after 95 miles in the saddle.

This is me (Red Sleeves hereafter) contemplating a short cut

Trevor (White Sleeves hereafter)

The trail leading us right into the rain

White Sleeves and Red Sleeves taking the obligatory self-held portraits

White Sleeves set his bike free to test their love. It came back.

This is Schafer Hill from the top after White Sleeves and I slayed it. Since I couldn’t take the hill home, stuff it and mount it over my fireplace, I settled for a pic. Looking at it from the bottom, it looks like an optical illusion or a practical joke. It seems impossible that any road could climb up and over that canyon wall.

Me, White Sleeves, and Cameron after the ride.

Click the "View Details" on the box below. Also, if you push the play icon on the map you can watch our route on satellite imagery.


  1. Awesome Pictures! Sorry we ditched you guys, turns out I rode 90% of the day alone anyway.

  2. Great pics. That last one looks like a Cannondale ad!
